Thursday, July 20, 2017

Bonus Post 2017: Tips for Tricking People into Thinking Your Old iPhone is Not So Old

Hi, it's Annamarie, I'm also known as the friend with "the old phone". I have an iPhone 4S, which is one of the older models for Apple. Literally, I cannot find one CASE for it in a store besides plain colored ones on Amazon. My parents said I'm not getting an upgraded phone for three years. From old emojis to bad pictures, here's some ways you can make your old phone seem not so old to people.

-Get a gel case. Gel cases, especially the clear ones, make your phone look both wider and longer. Also, there's a less chance of the phone cracking. 

-Put on the screen a clear screen protector. Make sure there is no bubbles when you put it on. 

-Get a popsocket. This makes your phone look popular and stylish - plus helps to hold it!

-Clean the screen daily. This is a BIG part of tricking people into thinking you have a brighter screen. Grab a paper towel and dampen it to clean the screen.  

-Make sure that your home button is clean. A dirty, yellow colored button makes your phone look old and dirty. A white, bright button makes the phone look like a Touch ID sensored phone!

-Turn up your brightness. 

-Get a white and bright and colorful wallpaper. 

-If your your posting a picture on social media, edit it to look brighter and detailed. 

Hope you enjoyed how to make your old iPhone look upgraded!!! This helped a lot for me, going from a dirty, small phone to a brighter, cleaner phone!! Sadly, I am stuck at an iOS 7, but that doesn't stop me from loving my phone!!!


Update Febuary 2018: ANNAMARIE GOT A NEW PHONE!!!

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