Welcome to our Challenge Page!! On this page we have all the challenge posted in order from oldest to newest, since you can find the newest posts the easiest on our home page. We would loooove to hear from you, so please post comments about what challenge(s) you tried, and how they turned out! Also, post comments or email us if you have any questions! We spend a lot of time on this blog and testing out these challenges, so please post comments, or at least take the time to read through these, and it would be very kind. Thanks, and have fun!
DIY Cupcakes Challenge
Hey! It's Lexa! So, we did this challenge with our friend Silvia, so there are three cupcakes. Anyways, here is the challenge..
Make a vanilla cupcake batter, without vanilla extract. Then, take out a bunch of ingredients from the pantry and fridge. We took out the ingredients in the picture above, but we didn't use them all.
For example:
Make a vanilla cupcake batter, without vanilla extract. Then, take out a bunch of ingredients from the pantry and fridge. We took out the ingredients in the picture above, but we didn't use them all.
For example:
- Vanilla extract
- peppermint extract
- chocolate syrup
- spices
- chocolate chips
- sprinkles
- anything you find that may be good in cupcakes!
Now, split the batter up evenly, in separate bowls. Now, the fun part. Chose some things to use in your cupcakes to make it your own! (We didn't measure them, so we don't know how much we used.) Then place them in cupcake tins, and don't mix the different batters together! When you are done baking them, have a judge determine the best one. Don't tell them whose is whose!!
{Don't forget to give your cupcake recipes a name! [Silvia and Lexa (me!) had a hard time coming up with names for ours!]}
{Don't forget to give your cupcake recipes a name! [Silvia and Lexa (me!) had a hard time coming up with names for ours!]}
- DO NOT copy each other. Obviously.
- NO ELECTRONICS. No looking up recipes. YOU have to decide how much of what to put in!
- ONLY use what is put out. If you have an idea and something you need is not in the ingredients, ask the other teammates if you can get it out.
- Be creative. Don't make boring vanilla cupcakes.
Now... drumroll please... here is what we made!!
The first one was made by Silvia. Called: Caramel Surprise. She made it with coco powder, Nutella, vanilla extract, chocolate syrup, chocolate chips (Which you can't see) Caramel on top, and some peppermint extract.
The second one is Lexa's (mine). It is called...Holiday Spice. She used gingerbread spice, cinnamon, ginger, sprinkles, and chocolate chips.
The last one is Annamarie's. It is called Coco Twist. She used peppermint extract, chocolate chips, crushed up candy canes, and coco powder.
And the winner was... LEXA!! Yay!! Hope you enjoy this fun challenge that made us feel like we were really on a tv cooking show!
Craft Challenge
We challenge you (and your friends) to a craft-off! This game is simple for parties, or just to have fun. Take a bag of your choice, (paper or plastic) and have fun with this really simple game!
It's simple. Find some supplies around you house, and put them in a bag for each of your friends or family members. Give them a time limit, and it could be over multiple days, if it's not for a gathering or party, and when that is up, see who has created the best thing out of those materials! Have everyone vote for the best, (of course, you can't vote for your own!) or give them a couple of votes, and whoever has the most at the end wins!
If you chose, the only outside materials to use are scissors and glue. But, to make it harder, get rid of this rule if you please! For some ideas, ours included:
It's simple. Find some supplies around you house, and put them in a bag for each of your friends or family members. Give them a time limit, and it could be over multiple days, if it's not for a gathering or party, and when that is up, see who has created the best thing out of those materials! Have everyone vote for the best, (of course, you can't vote for your own!) or give them a couple of votes, and whoever has the most at the end wins!
If you chose, the only outside materials to use are scissors and glue. But, to make it harder, get rid of this rule if you please! For some ideas, ours included:
- A button
- some stickers
- string
- piece of paper
- popsicle stick
- googly eyes
- pipe cleaners
Use your own ideas to add to this, or find a way to change up the game. Please post comments with any questions, new ideas, or your results! We'd love to hear what you made!!
Smoothie Challenge
In this challenge, you will need the following:- blender
- cups for each person participating
- at least 10 different ingredients that you might put in smoothies (to make a good or bad smoothie)
Step 1: Write on paper all the different options of ingredients, and cut it out, so that each slip of paper has the name of an ingredient.
Step 2: Fold them all in half, and put them in a hat, or a bowl.
Step 3: each person pulls a piece of paper, and puts it in their pile. Pull until all slips of paper are gone, or you feel like stopping.
Step 4: Look through your slips of paper. Now, one at a time, (or multiple at a time, if you have multiple blenders) put all those ingredients in your smoothie. Once player one has finished making there smoothie, continue on the player 2. When all players are done...
Step 5: Enjoy your smoothie! Or... maybe not.
Any questions? Please post comments below. Or if you'd just like to share your results!
Cotton Ball Challenge
This challenge is so fun and funny to watch, yet it is hard!! In these directions, it is for two people, but you can do this challenge from 1 to 101 people!!
- four bowls
- two spoons
- two blindfolds
- cotton balls
1. Place one bowl on top of each of the two players' heads, (you may need them to hold the bowls.)
2. Place the other two bowls in front of each player.
3. Put 20 cotton bowls on the bowls in front of them.
4. Tie the blindfolds around their heads.
5. Set the timer for 60 seconds and have each player try to scoop up cotton balls from the bowls in front of them using the spoons to the bowls on their heads.
6. By the end of one minute, see who has the most cotton balls on the bowls on top of their heads!!
This is so fun and great for kids and teenagers!!
If you want to contact us, please feel free to email us at losangelesbffcupcakers@gmail.com.
Water Challenge
NOOO! I am not going to tell you to drink a gallon of water a day, or anything like that. Promise. Here is our water challenge.
This challenge is great for summer parties, or just a random day in the summer that is warm and sunny.
What you need:
What you need:
- A bowl for half of the players (Ex: 10 people playing, so 5 bowls)
- A cup for half of the players (Ex: 6 people playing, so 3 cups of water)
- Blindfold for half the people playing (Ex: 2 people playing, 1 blindfold)
How to play:
This is similar to the cotton ball challenge. Give half of the players a blindfold, and have the other half hold a bowl on top of their head. Have the person with the blindfold stand in front of the person with the bowl. The person with the bowl should be kneeling. Then the person with the blindfold takes the cup of water. Then they put their hand over it, and spin around once. After that, they try to pour the water into the bowl that the other person has on top of their head. After all the water is gone, see which player has the most water in their bowl (if there are multiple people) and then switch places with your partner.
Please let us know how the game turned out for you!
Drawing Challenge
Hey, it's Lexa! So, this is the Drawing Challenge, which is super fun and hilarious. It's fun to do on a long car ride, or, if you are going on a school field trip, (that's when I created this challenge) or even just if you are bored!
What you need:
- A piece of paper (a notebook works)
- a pencil or pen
How to play:
You can do it by yourself if you want, but it is more fun with multiple people. You can have as many people play as you want.
All you do, is close your eyes really tight, and your friend tells you something to draw. If you are by yourself, you can think of your own thing. The only rule: you MUST pick your pencil up! When you are done, open your eyes and see your wonderful drawing.
Ideas of What To Draw:
- Giraffe
- car
- storm
- umbrella
- dog
- cat
- couch
- shark
- park
- family
- a bedroom
Of course, you can use your own ideas too. If you are more experienced with drawing, such as if you like to draw and spend time drawing things, I would suggest drawing something harder.
Harder Version of the Game:
If you have colored pencils (or crayons or markers) on hand, color it too! You can either open your eyes to see it, and then shut them again and color it, or don't even open your eyes until you are completely done!
Feel free to leave comments or email us at losanglelesbffcupcakers@gmail.com with any questions, or your results, or just things to say. Have fun with the game!
Also, please take the weekly poll!! We promise, no info from you, or anything. Just an answer. And thanks to those you already do, or have taken one.
Balloon games
So, Annamarie and I decided to show you some fun and simple balloon games...with a twist! These are great for parties, or just having people over. (We tried them all before we played them, so, we will also give you our scores.) So, here they are!
Games... with a twist:
- Balloon volleyball... without hands! (Lexa won, 10-1)
- Don't let the balloon touch the floor... with two balloons, AND you can't touch each balloon more than two times in a row! (we got 55 taps on each balloon before one fell, which means we had to start over.)
- Hide balloons... timed! Pick one room and hide 4 balloons in that room, and then the other person will find them. Give them 100 seconds to find all ballons, or the person who hid them wins! (Lexa won.)
- Don't get hit! (We made this game up!) Have someone stand in a corner, and they can't move their feet from where they are now. Give them one balloon to use as a shield, and then throw balloons at them! (You are allowed to go retrieve your balloons.) Give them 60 seconds. If they can survive without getting hit 3 times, in the allotted time, they win. If not, you win! (Lexa won.)
There you go! (In case no one noticed, Lexa is kinda the competitive one) Enjoy the games!
Poem Challenge
Hey people it's Lexa! Before we get to the challenge, let's start off with this: Annamarie is an amazing poet (just kidding) and here is a poem about nonsense she just randomly sent me:Crazy Crafts and Cooking
We are always booking
we make lot's of crafts
Maybe even a raft?
I eat too much sweets
Lexa and Annamarie
We don't have a friend
called Larry
R brothers r friends
Is anyone else confused?
here's a second one by her:
It's a frog's sport
Where we make crafts
Super Fast
Posts are good
we have no duds
Ok maybe a few
not so new
Annamarie made,
in a rage
screaming, "THIS IS BAD"
"I'm still going to post it, yeah!"
Mic drop
Ok I'm really confused now. I'll stop confusing you guys and get on with the posts.
So, the poem challenge.
(I just ,made this up like 5 minutes ago.) You can do this with however many people you want. All you need to do is have one person say a sentence, and somebody adds to that with another sentence. You can do any kind of rhyming scheme you choose. I'll explain.
One way is this kind.
There was a king
he was tall
he liked to sing
at the mall
Or this:
There was a king
who liked to sing
at the mall
and he was tall
Anyways. Say I did the fist sentence, and Annamarie did the second, and I did the third, and she did the fourth, and so on. Just make sure everyone knows what kind of rhyming scheme you are going with.
You can do this at a party, on the phone, through texting, really anyway of communicating.
Here was our REAL 'Poem Challenge' poem (It went, Lexa, Annamarie, Lexa, Annamarie, et cetera.):
There once was a guy named Larry
Who had a friend named Barry
They liked to take the Ferry
To visit his (Barry's) dad named Terry
They went every week
They acted like freaks
And chases a girl named Dominique
Until she slapped them on their cheeks
Ok, so that's the fun, friendly version. Want the Competitive version? Here it is:
So, the person who starts picks the word you have to rhyme with. If the someone does not come up with the next line of a poem in 90 seconds, they are out. Also, if you repeat a word or say something that does not rhyme, you are out. Also, NO FORCED RHYMES!!! (You know, where you change how the word sounds to make it rhyme with something).
And there it is. Of course, you can change rules and add rules or take rules away, and edit this as much as you want.
Have any questions? You can comment or email us!
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