Saturday, March 3, 2018

DIY Candles (Thanks Caroline!)

Cześć! That's Polish! And just for the record, I have absolutely no idea how to say that. Anyways, you guessed it! Lexa here! So, recently, we came across a very interesting post about DIY candles! How cool is it that you don't have to spend, like, ten dollars on candles (or however much they cost, I don't even know) when you can just make your own! So, anyways, here is the link to our e-friend (is that a thing?) Caroline's website, with her DIY candles!!

Basically, you can learn how to make your own candles, as well as things like what kind of waxes to stay away from, and safety tips, which is really helpful! Anyways, just go to the link, since I haven't made one YET so I can't help you, unless I was just gonna copy and paste her whole website. Which, yeah, not gonna do. There's a word for that, I think, but I can't remember what it is. Or wait, is that the same as, like, copy and pasting something into your homework and not citing it? Ugh, it's bothering me that I can't remember that word. We, anyways, back to the DIY Candles!

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this, and please email us, (actually, on second thought, email Caroline. Trust her more than us, since, you know, she's the one who created that post, so she's probably a better option.) with questions, comment, or concerns. Have a great day, and enjoy you new DIY candles! Wait, let's try that in polish. Mają wielki dzień, i cieszyć się nowe świece DIY! Yay, I did it! Anyways, I'll stop now. Bye!

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