Sunday, July 22, 2018

Bonus Post 2018: Texting Games!

Zdravo! That's Bosnian! Anyways, today I'm going to teach you some simple games to play through texting. You don't need any special apps or anything, just some sort of texting app! (Obviously 🤣). I'll also include some descriptions, in case you have never played the games. (Or never played them through texting.) 
  1. 20 Questions. This game is pretty simple, and can be played with any number of people (for the most part). You decide on a category, such as states in the USA. One person thinks of a state, and the other people have 20 questions to guess it. Everyone guessing works as a team, (or you can say the person who guesses it correctly first wins, if there are multiple people guessing, but most people don't play this way). The questions have to be yes or no. For instance, someone could ask"does this state border the pacific ocean?" Eventually, someone may start guessing the state. For example, if the person thinking of the sate says yes to the question "does it border the pacific ocean?" and yes to the question, "does it border Canada?" you would know it was Oregon, so someone can guess Oregon. There is no restriction on questions, except it has to be yes or no, so someone could ask if it was Oregon as the first question, before they know anything else. You do not have to take turns.
  2. Connect 4.  This game is played with emoji's. You make a board of circle emoji's, and then someone starts by replacing one of the circles with a colored circle, then the next person copy and pastes that, then replaces one with their colored circle (different color) and so on. 💙💚💛💜 (You could also use something like colored hearts).  (Reminder: REMEMER HOW GRAVITY WORKS)
  3. First Last (AKA Name Game). This game is played by someone picking a category, for example, animals, and they say an animal. Then, whatever the last letter of that animal was, the other person picks and animal that starts with that letter. The game ends when someone can't think of an animal, and they lose (sometimes, if all players agree, and exception can be made if no one can think of an animal beginning with this letter. However, some people do not play this way.) For example, if someone begins with Zebra, the next person says something starting with A, like Ape. Then someone would say and an animal starting with E, like Eel, and so on. NO PLURALS. Examples of categories: Food, Animals, Fruits, Places, cities, flowers, plants, etc. 
  4. Word unscrambles. Someone thinks of a word, and scrambles it, and the other person has to unscramble it. This works best with multiple people, so whoever unscrambles it first wins, and it is their turn to think of a word next. (Could be in a category, but it doesn't have to be. If no one gets it for a while, hints may be given).
  5. Would You Rather. This game is pretty simple. You ask someone a question, such as, "Would you rather move to the hottest place on earth, or the coldest place on earth?" They give their answer, then you give yours, and then it is their turn. This game is more fun with multiple players. 
  6. And of course, Apps. There are plenty of apps out there you can download with games you can play against each other!
Have any more ideas?! Feel free to email us or comment and let us know!

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