Saturday, June 10, 2017

Water Challenge

NOOO! I am not going to tell you to drink a gallon of water a day, or anything like that. Promise. It's Lexa here, and here is our water challenge.

This challenge is great for summer parties, or just a random day in the summer that is warm and sunny.

What you need:
  • A bowl for half of the players (Ex: 10 people playing, so 5 bowls)
  • A cup for half of the players (Ex: 6 people playing, so 3 cups of water)
  • Blindfold for half the people playing (Ex: 2 people playing, 1 blindfold)

How to play:

This is similar to the cotton ball challenge. Give half of the players a blindfold, and have the other half hold a bowl on top of their head. Have the person with the blindfold stand in front of the person with the bowl. The person with the bowl should be kneeling. Then the person with the blindfold takes the cup of water. Then they put their hand over it, and spin around once. After that, they try to pour the water into the bowl that the other person has on top of their head. After all the water is gone, see which player has the most water in their bowl (if there are multiple people) and then switch places with your partner.

Please let us know how the game turned out for you!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Cotton Ball Challenge

This challenge is so fun and funny to watch, yet it is hard!! In these directions, it is for two people, but you can do this challenge from 1 to 101 people!! (This example is for 4 people)
  • four bowls
  • two spoons
  • two blindfolds
  • cotton balls 
1. Place one bowl on top of each of the two players' heads, (you may need them to hold the bowls.)
2. Place the other two bowls in front of each player.
3. Put 20 cotton bowls on the bowls in front of them.
4. Tie the blindfolds around their heads.
5. Set the timer for 60 seconds and have each player try to scoop up cotton balls from the bowls in front of them using the spoons to the bowls on their heads.
6. By the end of one minute, see who has the most cotton balls on the bowls on top of their heads!!

This is so fun and great for kids and teenagers!!

If you want to contact us, please feel free to email us at

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Smoothie Challenge

In this challenge, you will need the following:
  • blender
  • cups for each person participating
  • at least 10 different ingredients that you might put in smoothies (to make a good or bad smoothie)

Step 1: Write on paper all the different options of ingredients, and cut it out, so that each slip of paper has the name of an ingredient.
Step 2: Fold them all in half, and put them in a hat, or a bowl.
Step 3: each person pulls a piece of paper, and puts it in their pile. Pull until all slips of paper are gone, or you feel like stopping.
Step 4: Look through your slips of paper. Now, one at a time, (or multiple at a time, if you have multiple blenders) put all those ingredients in your smoothie. Once player one has finished making there smoothie, continue on the player 2. When all players are done...
Step 5: Enjoy your smoothie! Or... maybe not.

Any questions? Please post comments below. Or if you'd just like to share your results!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Great Summer DIY Nail Ideas

Admit it. Sometimes, just painting your nails one color can get really boring. Sure, you can do each nail a different color, or add some polka dots, but why not try something different?! Something cute no one else is doing? So we found some websites you can look at for some nail inspiration! While they aren't all the easiest, they should at least give you some new ideas or inspirations. Please comments if you find any other great websites, or have anything else creative to share!

That should keep you busy for a while! Keep checking back and we'll keep adding more websites!